The LTAD Playground is a no-frills, grassroots gathering for those interested in understanding and implementing Long Term Athlete Development. The event is an interactive exchange aimed at empowering stakeholders with the skills & solutions to make change in schools, clubs, and communities.
THE AGENDA (Note: Agendas can be customized based on the audience.)
Session I. Overview of LTAD Principles
9 - 9:30a - Introductory Remarks and Creation of a Community of Learning
Introduction to the LTAD Playground format, participants, and a brief review of why LTAD is a viable path toward creating a physically literate society and its role in both sport performance and encouraging physical activity throughout the lifespan.
9:30 - 10a - Overview of Long Term Athlete Development
During this session the National Strength and Conditioning Association Position Statement on LTAD will be introduced for attendees, and particular detail will be emphasized on the 10 Pillars that comprise the framework for this athlete development model.
10 - 10:30a - The American Development Model
This session will detail the phenomenal success that various sport governing bodies have realized in the past decade through the implementation of the American Development Model as a valuable component of their coaches education program. In addition, a framework will be discussed as it relates to how local sport governing bodies can implement LTAD.
10:30 - 10:45a - LTAD Breakout Discussions (small group, roundtable discussions)
Session II. LTAD in Action: Schools, Community Recreation, and the Private Setting
10:45-12 Noon - LTAD in Action: Strategies in the school, private sector and the community; three 18-minute Ted Talks followed by roundtable discussion.
During this session participants will hear speakers discuss their LTAD implementation strategies in a variety of settings. Following each talk, attendees will engage in roundtable discussion to process & analyze and share their own individual stories to help create action plans to stimulate LTAD in their respective setting.
Session III. LTAD in Practice
1 – 2p - Practicing LTAD: Fundamental movement skills; Dynamic warm-up; Play and games; Strength and conditioning
Attendees will get out of their seat and learn various methods of integrating LTAD principles into dynamic warm-up, free play, and various games to help participants understand how movement competence serves to enrich the path to both athlete development and physical literacy throughout the lifespan. This is an activity session so come prepared!
2 – 3:30p - Building Buy-in: Selling, convincing, and persuading stakeholders
The focus of this session is to provide participants some strategies to get stakeholders, coaches, community recreation leaders, schools, parents, and the private sector to understand and implement principles of LTAD within their particular setting. Breakout sessions will be utilized so attendees can share and discuss their experiences to help create action plans within their community.
3:30 - 4p - Summary and Conclusions
In closing, participants will have the opportunity to participate in roundtable and town hall format with questions and comments with the intent to fully initiate and implement LTAD strategies. Select speakers and participants will share their experiences, trials, and tribulations as it relates to overcoming barriers and misinterpretation of LTAD principles in their respective settings, schools, and community.
Learn more about the THE LTAD Playground in this Changing The Game Way of Champions podcast