Ranked among world’s top 100,000 scientists of nearly 7 million scientists (99th %tile) and one of only 600 in Sport Science’
Select articles available (PDF or online) via PUBMED | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | RESEARCHGATE
JC Eisenmann, K Till, J Baker. Growth, maturation and youth sports: Issues and practical solutions Ann Human Biology 47(4):324-327, 2020
K Till, J Eisenmann, S Emmonds, B Jones, T Mitchell, I Cowburn, J Tee, N Holmes, R Lloyd. A coaching session framework to facilitate long-term athletic development. Strength and Conditioning Journal May 07, 2020
H Fullagar, A Govus, R McCunn, L Harper, JC Eisenmann. Practitioner perceptions of evidence-based practice in elite sport in the United States of America. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 33(11): 2897-2904, 2019
JC Eisenmann. Translational gap between the lab and playing field: New Era to Solve Old Problems in Sports Science. Translational Journal ACSM 2(8):37–43, 2017
SP Cumming, DJ Brown, S Mitchell, J Bunce, D Hunt, C Hedges, G Crane, A Gross, S Scott, E Franklin, D Breakspear, L Dennison, P White, A Cain, JC Eisenmann, RM Malina. Premier League academy soccer players’ experiences of competing in a tournament bio-banded for biological maturation. J Sports Sciences 36(7): 757-765, 2017
S Cumming, RM Malina, JC Eisenmann, R Lloyd, J Oliver. A renaissance in bio-banding: Applications in competition, talent identification, and training. Strength and Conditioning Journal 39(2): 34-47, 2017
K Peyer, J Pivarnik, JC Eisenmann. Physiological characteristics of NCAA division I ice hockey players and their relation to game performance. J Strength Cond Res 25(5):1183-92, 2011.
RM Malina, ME Peña Reyes, J.C. Eisenmann, L. Horta, J. Rodrigues, and R. Miller. Height, mass and skeletal maturity of elite Portuguese soccer players 11-16 years. Journal of Sports Sciences 18:685-693, 2000.
R.M. Malina, J.C. Eisenmann, S.P. Cumming, Ribeiro B, Aroso J.. Maturity-associated variation in the growth and functional capacities of youth football (soccer) players13-15 yr old. European Journal of Applied Physiology 91(5-6):555-62, 2004.
SP Cumming, JC Eisenmann, FL Smoll, RE Smith, & RM Malina. Body size and perceptions of coaching behaviors in female adolescent athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 6, 693-705, 2006.
J.C. Eisenmann, J.M. Pivarnik, and R.M. Malina. Scaling peak oxygen consumption to body mass in young male and female distance runners. Journal of Applied Physiology 90:2172-2180, 2001.
J.C. Eisenmann and R.M. Malina. Growth status and estimated growth rates of competitive young distance runners. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 23: 168-173, 2002.
J.C. Eisenmann and R.M. Malina. Age- and sex-associated variation in neuromuscular capacities of adolescent distance runners. Journal of Sport Sciences, 21:551-557, 2003.
RM Malina, SP Cumming, AP Kontos, JC Eisenmann, B. Ribeiro, and J. Aroso. Maturity-associated variation in sport-specific skills of youth soccer players aged 13-15 years. Journal of Sports Sciences 23:515-522, 2005.
R. Klika, J. Eisenmann, T. Bompa, G. Sokolovas, S. Trappe, R. Hill, T. Gibbons. Understanding Physical Growth and Physiological Development of Young Swimmers and The Impact on Training and Performance. Sport Science Summit/Age Group Coaches Forum, 2001.
K Laurson and JC Eisenmann. Prevalence of overweight among high school football players. Journal of the American Medical Association 297(4):363-4, 2007.
EE Wickel and JC Eisenmann. Contribution of youth sports to total daily physical activity. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 39(9):1493-500, 2007.
N.M. Hirsch, J.C. Eisenmann, S.J. Moore, S.D. Winnail, and M.A. Stalder. Energy balance and physical activity patterns in university ballet dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 7(3): 73-79, 2003
C Drenowatz, JC Eisenmann, JJ Carlson, K Pfeiffer, J Pivarnik. Differences in energy expenditure between high- and low-volume training. European Journal of Sport Science 13(4):422-30, 2013
Humberto, M de Silva, JC Eisenmann. Aerobic fitness, maturation and training experience in youth basketball. Int J Sport Physiol Performance 8(4):428-34, 2013.
Measurement & Evaluation of human movement & fitness traits: Technology and diagnostic criteria
MA Calabró, GJ Welk, JC Eisenmann. Validation of the SenseWear Pro Armband algorithms in children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (in press).
C Drenowatz and JC Eisenmann. Validation of the SenseWear Armband at high intensity exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology 111(5):883-7, 2011.
Welk GJ, McClain JJ, Eisenmann JC, Wickel EE. Field validation of the MTI Actigraph and BodyMedia Armband Monitor using the IDEEA monitor. Obesity 15(4):918-28, 2007.
GJ. Welk JC. Eisenmann J Schaben SG Trost, D Dale. Calibration of the Biotrainer Pro Activity Monitor in Youth. Pediatric Exercise Science 19(2):145-58, 2007.
EE Wickel, GJ Welk and JC Eisenmann. Predictive validity of an age-specific MET equation among youth of varying body size. Eur J Appl Physiol 101(5):555-63, 2007.
EE Wickel, JC Eisenmann, GJ Welk. Convergent validity of the Bouchard activity diary and Tritrac accelerometer. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38:373-9, 2006.
JC Eisenmann, EE Wickel. Moving on land: an explanation of pedometer counts in children. European Journal of Applied Physiology 93(4):440-6, 2005.
Eisenmann JC, Strath SJ, Shadrick D, Rigsby P, Hirsch N, Jacobson L. Validity of uniaxial accelerometers during activities of daily living in children. European Journal of Applied Physiology 91(2-3):259-63, 2004
AM Machado Rodrigues, MJ Coelho e Silva, AJ Figueiredo, J Mota, SP Cumming, JC Eisenmann, RM Malina . Concurrent validation of estimated activity energy expenditure using a 3-day diary and accelerometry in adolescents. Scand Med Sci Sports Exerc 22(2):259-64, 2012.
J.C. Eisenmann, N. Brisko, D. Shadrick, S. Welsh. Comparative analysis of the Cosmed Quark b2 and K4b2 gas analysis systems. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 43(2):150-155, 2003.
KR Laurson, GJ Welk, JC Eisenmann. Estimating physical activity in children: Impact of pedometer wear time and metric. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 12(1):124-31, 2015
J.C. Eisenmann, N. (Hirsch) Milburn, L. Jacobsen, and S. Moore. Reliability and validity of the Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire in rural 5th grade children. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 43:135-149, 2002
J Bland, JC Eisenmann, K Pfeiffer. The PWC170: comparison of different stage lengths in 11-16 year olds. Eur J Appl Physiol 112(5):1955-61, 2012.
KR Laurson, P da Silva, GJ Welk, JC Eisenmann Reference curves for field tests of musculoskeletal fitness: The 2012 NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey J Strength Cond Research 31(8):2075-2082, 2017
KR Laurson JC Eisenmann. Body mass index standards based on agreement with health-related body fat. Am J Prev Med (Suppl) 41(4S2):S100 –S105, 2011.
KR Laurson, JC Eisenmann, GJ Welk. Body fat percentile curves for U.S. children and adolescents. Am J Prev Med (Suppl) 41(4S2):S87–S92, 2011.
KR Laurson, JC Eisenmann, GJ Welk. Development of youth percent body fat standards using Receiver Operator Characteristic Curves Am J Prev Med (Suppl) 41(4S2):S93–S99.
KR Laurson, GJ Welk, JC Eisenmann. Diagnostic performance of BMI percentiles to identify adolescents with metabolic syndrome. Pediatrics 133(2):e330-8, 2014.
JC Eisenmann, KR Laurson, G Welk. Aerobic fitness percentiles for U.S. adolescents. Am J Prev Med (Suppl) 41(4S2):S106 –S110, 2011.
G Welk, K Laurson, JC Eisenmann, KJ Cureton. Development of Aerobic capacity Standards using Receiver Operator Characteristic Curves Am J Prev Med (Suppl) 41(4S2):S111–S116, 2011.
JC Eisenmann, E Guseman, K Morrison, J Tucker, L Smith, W Stratbucker Graded exercise testing in a stage III pediatric weight management center: the DeVos protocol Childhood Obesity 11(6):657-63, 2015The
Pediatric Exercise Network-Working Group. N Ashish, MM Bamman, FJ Cerny, DM Cooper, P D’Hemecourt, JC Eisenmann, D Ericson, J Fahey, B Falk, D Gabriel, MG Kahn, HCG Kemper, SY Leu, RI Liem, R McMurray, PA Nixon, JT Olin, MD; PT Pianosi, M Purucker, S Radom-Aizik, A Taylor. The clinical translation gap in child health exercise research: a call for disruptive innovation Clinical and Translational Science 8:67–76, 2015.
MS Roriz de Oliveira, Seabra A, Freitas D, JC Eisenmann, JAR Maia. Physical fitness percentiles of 6-10 year old children from the north of Portugal. Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2014 Dec;54(6):780-92
JC Eisenmann. Assessment of the obese child and adolescent: a survey of pediatric obesity management programs. Pediatrics 128 (Suppl 2):S51-S58, 2011.
JC Eisenmann, KR Laurson K DuBose, J Donnelly. Construct validity of the continuous metabolic syndrome score in children. Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome 2:8, 2010
Physical activity energy expenditure in children & adolescents: Measurement and Epidemiology
Measurement aspects: Total daily energy expenditure (TEE, kcal/d) is important to energy homeostasis or energy balance. During childhood and adolescence, TEE includes the following components: resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of feeding, growth, and activity energy expenditure. The most malleable component of TEE is AEE. Physical activity is a complex behavior that is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in energy expenditure above resting metabolic rate and includes leisure time physical activity, exercise, sport, occupational work, and household and other chores. Despite the recognition of the importance of physical activity on health and performance, methodological issues regarding the measurement of physical activity and energy expenditure requires further examination, particularly in children and adolescents. Current methods available to quantify physical activity patterns and energy expenditure include questionnaires, surveys, diaries, direct observation, motion sensors, heart rate monitors, indirect calorimetry, and doubly labeled water. In general, there is an inverse relationship between the validity and feasibility of physical activity assessment instruments. We use several of these instruments (IDEEA, SenseWear Pro Armband, MTI Actigraph, Actical, New Lifestyle pedometer, and various surveys) in our research and have contributed the following papers to this area. I was fortunate to work with Dr. Greg Welk on such studies.
*see above for papers
Level and determinants of physical activity and energy expenditure in children and adolescents: Given the pediatric obesity epidemic, many individuals and agencies are interested in the habitual physical activity level of children and adolescents. This research answers a simple question, "How active are youth?". We are interested in quantifying the physical activity level and TEE in normal healthy, obese, and other clinical populations of children. Here, we address the average amount of physical activity and the % who meet recommended levels (60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity). In addition, we have a particular interest in "what is the intra- and inter-individual variation in physical activity and TEE in youth, and what factors (especially biological factors) influence the physical activity level of children?".
JC Eisenmann, EE Wickel, S Kelly, K Middleton, T Garland, Jr. Day-to-day variability in wheel running of young mice selectively bred for high activity. European Journal of Applied Physiology 106:613-619, 2009.
JC Eisenmann and EE Wickel. The biological basis of physical activity in children: revisited. Pediatric Exercise Science August 2009.
C Drenowatz, JC Eisenmann, K Pfeiffer, EE Wickel, D Gentile, D Walsh. Maturity-variation in physical activity of 10-12 year old girls. American Journal of Human Biology (in press).
EE Wickel, JC Eisenmann, G Welk. Maturity-associated variation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in 9-14 year olds. J Phys Activity Health (in press)
EE Wickel, JC Eisenmann. Maturity-associated variation in physical activity among 13 yr old males and females. Pediatric Exercise Science 19(4):384-392, 2007.
EE Wickel and JC Eisenmann. Contribution of youth sports to total daily physical activity. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 39(9):1493-500, 2007.
EE Wickel and JC Eisenmann. Within and between individual variability in estimated energy expenditure and habitual physical activity among young adults. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 60(4):538-44, 2006.
JC Eisenmann, EE Wickel. Estimated energy expenditure and physical activity of adolescent distance runners. Int J Sports Nutr and Exerc Metabol 17:178-188, 2007.
J.C. Eisenmann, P.T. Katzmarzyk, M. Tremblay. Physical activity among Canadian adolescents, 1981-1998. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 1:154-162, 2004
EE Wickel, JC Eisenmann et al. Do children take the same number of steps every day? American Journal of Human Biology 19(4):537-43, 2007.
BW McCrindle, RV Williams, S Mital, BJ Clark, J. Russell, G Klein, JC Eisenmann. Decreased levels of physical activity in pediatric survivors of Fontan procedure. Archives of Disease in Childhood 92(6):509-14, 2007.
N.M. Hirsch, J.C. Eisenmann, S.J. Moore, S.D. Winnail, and M.A. Stalder. Energy balance and physical activity patterns in university ballet dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 7(3): 73-79, 2003.
oxygen transport system in children and adolescents (Aerobic Fitness)
DA Arnall, V Kanuho, C Interpreter, AG Nelson, JR Coast, JC Eisenmann, and PL Enright. Spirometry and maximal respiratory pressure reference values for Navajo children Pediatr Pulmonology in press.
J.C. Eisenmann, P.T. Katzmarzyk, T.M.K. Song, G. Theriault, R.M. Malina, and C. Bouchard. Physical activity and pulmonary function in youth: The Québec Family Study. Pediatric Exercise Science 11(3): 208-217, 1999.
J.C. Eisenmann, P.T. Katzmarzyk, T.M.K. Song, G. Theriault, R.M. Malina, and C. Bouchard. Cardiac dimensions, physical activity and submaximal working capacity in youth of the Québec Family Study. European Journal of Applied Physiology 81 (1/2): 40-46, 2000.
J.C. Eisenmann, J.M. Pivarnik, and R.M. Malina. Scaling peak oxygen consumption to body mass in young male and female distance runners. Journal of Applied Physiology 90:2172-2180, 2001.
*Also see Fatness, Fitness, and Metabolic Syndrome papers below.
Pediatric obesity & Cardio-metabolic risk factors
Assessment of growth, body composition, obesity, and metabolic syndrome:
JC Eisenmann, KA Heelan, GJ Welk. Assessing body composition among 3 to 8 year old children: anthropometry, BIA, and DXA. Obesity Research 12(10):1633-40, 2004.
JC Eisenmann. On the use of a continuous metabolic syndrome score in pediatric epidemiological research. Cardiovascular Diabetology 7:17, 2008.
M Ihmels, G Welk, JC Eisenmann, S Nusser. Development and preliminary validation of a Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) screening tool. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 6:14, 2009
Click here for a link to the online version of the FNPA screening tool.
Growth and descriptive epidemiology/prevalence of obesity:
J.C. Eisenmann, P.T. Katzmarzyk , C. Interpreter, V. Kahuna, D.A. Arnall, and R.M. Malina. Growth and overweight of Navajo children ages 6 to 12 years. International Journal of Obesity 24:211-218, 2000.
J.C. Eisenmann, D.A. Arnall, V. Kanuho, H. McArel. Growth status and obesity in Hopi children. American Journal of Human Biology, 15:741-745, 2003.
JC Eisenmann. Waist circumference percentiles of 7 to 15 year old Australian children. Acta Paediatrica 94(9):1182-5, 2005.
K Laurson and JC Eisenmann. Prevalence of overweight among high school football players. Journal of the American Medical Association 297(4):363-4, 2007.
Causative factors and consequences of obesity and metabolic syndrome: Currently, this is a major focus of my work. The aim of this work is to provide a better understanding of the possible causes of pediatric obesity and the emergence of the metabolic syndrome in youth. Collectively, this work addresses the classic cornerstones of physical activity and diet and also considers alternative explanations (stress, sleep, maternal health, epigenetic mechanisms) for the recent secular trend and current epidemic. The insight gained from this work provides a better understanding of the basic etiology of pediatric obesity and should be incorporated into prevention and intervention models.
JC Eisenmann. Insight into the causes of the recent secular trend in pediatric obesity: common sense does not always prevail for complex, multi-factorial phenotypes. Preventive Medicine 42:329-335, 2006.
J.C. Eisenmann. Secular trends in variables associated with the metabolic syndrome among North American children and adolescents. American Journal of Human Biology, 15:786-794, 2003.
J.C. Eisenmann. Physical activity and cardiovascular disease risk factors in children and adolescents: an overview. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 20(3):295-301, 2004.
JC Eisenmann, MA Sarzinski, K Glenn, M Rothschild, K Heelan. ACE I/D, adiposity, and blood pressure in children. Cardiovascular Diabetology in press.
D Martinez, J Tucker, G Welk, K Heelan, JC Eisenmann. Sedentary behaviour and blood pressure in young children. Archives of Disease in Childhood and Adolescence.(accepted)
JC Eisenmann, P Ekkekakis, M Holmes. Sleep duration and overweight in children and adolescents. Acta Pediatrica 95:956-963, 2006.
M Holmes, JC Eisenmann, K Heelan. Calcium intake and adiposity in 9-12 yr old children. International Journal of Body Composition (in press)
HL Yoo, JC Eisenmann, WD Franke. Relationship between physical activity, perceived stress, and the metabolic syndrome in law enforcement officers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 51(1):46-53, 2009.
A.D.G. Baxter-Jones, J.C. Eisenmann, R.L., Mirwald, D Bailey. The influence of physical activity on lean mass accrual during adolescence: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Applied Physiology. 105(2):734-41, 2008.
KR Laurson, JC Eisenmann, EE Wickel, D Gentile, D Walsh. Combined influence of physical activity and screen time recommendations on childhood overweight J Pediatrics 153(2):209-14, 2008.
K Laurson, JC Eisenmann et al. Evaluation of youth pedometer guidelines with Receiver Operator Characteristic curves. Preventive Medicine 46(5):419-24, 2008.
M Holmes, JC Eisenmann, D Gentile, P Ekkekakis. Physical activity, stress and metabolic risk score of adolescent males. J Phys Activity Health 5(2): 294-307, 2008.
KR Laurson, JC Eisenmann, S Moore. Lack of association between television viewing, soft drinks, physical activity and body mass index in children. Acta Pediatr 97(6):795-800, 2008.
JC Eisenmann, RT Bartee, DT Smith, GJ Welk, Q Fu. Combined influence of physical activity and television viewing on overweight in U.S. youth. Int J Obesity 32: 613-618, 2008.
K. Garcia, J.C. Eisenmann, R.T. Bartee. Does a family history of CHD modify the relationship between physical activity and blood pressure in young adults? European Journal of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Prevention 11(3):201-206, 2004.
KA Heelan and JC Eisenmann. Physical activity, media time, and body composition in young children. J Physical Activity and Health 3(2):200-209, 2006.
JC Eisenmann, EE Wickel, GJ Welk, SN Blair. Stability of cardiovascular disease risk factors in from adolescence into adulthood: the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. American Journal of Human Biology 16:690-696, 2004.
JC Eisenmann J Wrede, K Heelan. Associations between adiposity, family history of CHD and blood pressure in 3-8 yr old children. Journal of Human Hypertension 19:675-681, 2005.
J.C. Eisenmann, R.T. Bartee, K.D. Damori. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and body weight status in rural college students Journal of Physical Activity and Health 1: 209-217, 2004.
J.C. Eisenmann, P.T. Katzmarzyk, L. Perusse, C. Bouchard, and R.M. Malina. Estimated energy expenditure and blood lipids in adolescents: the Quebec Family Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 33(3):147-153, 2003.
J.C. Eisenmann, R.T. Bartee, and M.Q. Wang. Physical activity and overweight in US youth: Results from the 1999 YRBS. Obesity Research, 10:1-6, 2002.
Fatness, fitness, and metabolic syndrome: In general, adiposity is positively related to the MetS in youth, and a high aerobic fitness level is also related to a better MetS profile among youth. Building upon the classic work of Dr. Steve Blair, we have recently shown that higher levels of aerobic fitness attenuates the MetS score in children and adolescents from four cohorts.
JC Eisenmann. Aerobic fitness, fatness, and the metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. Acta Pediatr 96(12):1723-9, 2007
JC Eisenmann, GW Welk, EE Wickel, and SN Blair. Combined influence of cardiorespiratory fitness and body mass index on cardiovascular disease risk factors among 8-18 year old youth: The Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study International Journal of Pediatric Obesity 2: 66-72, 2007.
JC Eisenmann, GJ Welk, MA Ihmels, J Dollman. Fitness, fatness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in children and adolescents. Medicine Science Sports Exercise 39:1251-1256, 2007.
JC Eisenmann, K DuBose, JE Donnelly. Fatness, fitness, and insulin resistance among 7-9 yr old children. Submitted to Obesity 9/18/06; resubmitted 11/13/06.
K DuBose, JC Eisenmann, JE Donnelly. Aerobic fitness attenuates the metabolic syndrome score in normal weight, at-risk-for-overweight, and overweight children Pediatrics 120(5):e1262-e1268, 2007
JC Eisenmann, EE Wickel, GJ Welk, SN Blair. Relationship between adolescent fitness and fatness and cardiovascular disease risk factors in adulthood: the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study. American Heart Journal 149:46-53, 2005
JC Eisenmann, P T Katzmarzyk, L Perusse, A Tremblay, J-P Després and C Bouchard Aerobic fitness, body mass index, and CVD risk factors among adolescents: the Quebec Family Study. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 29: 1077-1083, 2005.
Food Insecurity, Stress, and Childhood Obesity: In the United States (U.S.), both obesity and food insecurity are nutritional issues. Food insecurity means that children in these households live without the financial means to access enough food for active, healthy living. About one-in-five adolescents and over four-in-ten low-income adolescents live in a food insecure household in the U.S. Paradoxically, some studies have indicated a positive relationship between food insecurity and childhood obesity, whereas other studies have found either no relationship or an inverse relationship. The reasons for the mixed results are difficult to disentangle; nonetheless, all of the studies have shown that food insecurity and overweight coexist – e.g., about 30-50% of food insecure children were classified as overweight or obese . Although the previous studies have examined the epidemiological association between food insecurity and obesity, they seldom consider or discuss the potential etiological mechanisms which may link food insecurity with obesity. How can a child be food insecure and obese? In a series of papers, we have focused on adverse stress to explain this relationship. Future studies should consider other potential mechanisms for the associations between food insecurity and overweight in children. This work was a collaboration with a diverse group of scholars in the fields of economics, behavioural adolescence, and sociology and supported by the United States Department of Agriculature.
B Lohman, C Gunderson, S Stewart, S Garasky, JC Eisenmann. Adolescent overweight & obesity links to food insecurity and individual, maternal, and family stressors. Journal of Adolescent Health (in press).
C Gunderson, S Garasky, B Lohman, S Stewart, JC Eisenmann. Food insecurity, maternal stressors, and and overweight among low-income US children: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1999-2002). Pediatrics 122(3):e529-40, 2008.
C Gunderson, B Lohman, J Eisenmann, S Garasky, S Stewart. Lack of Association between Child-Specific Food Insecurity and Overweight in a Sample of 10-15 Year Old Low-Income Youth. Journal of Nutrition 138(2):371-8, 2008.
Physical activity, Nutrition, and obesity/CVD risk factor community- and school-based interventions
JJ Carlson, JC Eisenmann, KA Pfeiffer, KB Jager, ST Sehnert, KE Yee, RA Klavinski DL Feltz. (S)Partners for Heart Health: a school-based program for enhancing physical activity and nutrition to promote cardiovascular health in 5th grade students. BMC Public Health 8:420, 2008.
JC Eisenmann, DA Gentile, GJ Welk, R Callahan, S Strickland, M Walsh, DA Walsh. SWITCH: rationale, design, and implementation of a community, school, and family-based intervention to modify behaviors related to childhood obesity. BMC Public Health 8:223, 2008.
JC Eisenmann, K Alaimo, K Pfeiffer, Hy-Jin Paek, JJ Carslon, H Hayes, T Thompson, D Kelleher, HJ Oh, J Orth, S Randall, K Mayfield and D Holmes. Project FIT: Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a school- and community-based intervention to address physical activity and healthy eating among low-income elementary school children. BMC Public Health 11:607, 2011
J Tucker, JC Eisenmann, M Murphy, K Howard, K DeLaFuente, J Graybill, K Yee, EH Guseman, M Roberts, T Peterson. FitKids360: design and conduct of a stage 2 pediatric obesity program. Journal of Obesity. 2014