Volt Athletics Blogs
Long-Term Athlete Development
Long-Term Athlete Development: From Cradle to Grave
LTAD Part 1: Definition and History
LTAD Part 2: Is Early Specialization Good or Bad for Athletes?
See Jack Zig and Zag: Teaching Fundamental Movement Skills
See Jane Jump: Teaching Fundamental Movement Skills
Dear Parents and Coaches, Kids Should Strength Train.
Fool’s Gold and Diamonds in the Rough: The Adolescent Growth Spurt in Boys
The Nature-Nurture Debate in Sports: Are Athletes Born or Built?
Life in the NBA: Damaged Goods and Youth Training Habits
A Critical Time for the Future of Youth Football
Testing & Data Science
The Science of the NFL Combine: What High School Coaches Should Know
The NBA Combine, Correlation, and Tryouts: Individuality Matters!
Volt and Big Data “In the Wild”: The World’s Largest Strength Training Study
What is Athleticism and How is it Tested? Are We Re-inventing the Wheel?
General Fitness
#WHYITRAIN: The Big 5-0. Reflections on LTAD, Aging and a Healthy Lifestyle
Live Strong and Prosper: The Importance of Strength Training for ALL
Raising the Bar with Workplace Wellness
Training during COVID-19: Back to the Basics of Movement, Health & Sports Science
Nutrition and Recovery: Tips from the Dallas Cowboys Director of Sports Performance